National Strategy for Framing and Prioritizing Environmental Protection Research and Development Topics

Cite As:
Ayalon Ofira, Wolfson Adi, Madar Daniel, Shapira Naama, Zerbib Tsion Maayan. National Strategy for Framing and Prioritizing Environmental Protection Research and Development Topics Haifa Israel: Samuel Neaman Institute, 2021.

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The State of Israel wants to continue to develop ER&D and to advance its position in the world in the fields of ER&D and clean technologies. Therefore, during 2017–2018 the Israeli Ministry of Science conducted research to prioritize the ER&D in which the state should invest, to examine existing research infrastructures in the country, as compared to those required in each field, and to define the investments required to bridge the gap in each field.

The research addressed the local and global challenges, as well as the research budget and national and international manpower resources.

The study was conducted in three key stages:

(1) a comprehensive literature review on methodology, principles, and criteria for selecting priorities in environment and environmental protection research areas;

(2) based on the literature review, discussions and consultations were held by the research team with the advisory committee and various researchers and stakeholders, where 18 ER&D topics were dentified, out of which a limited group of 3 topics was selected based on the principles and criteria defined in the first phase;

(3) an analysis of the R&D status in Israel was conducted for the three selected priority topics, including a comparison with selected countries. Within this framework, budgets, manpower, publications, and patents, as well as companies and curricula, were mapped ineach field. Finally, recommendations were made for promoting future R&D in Israel in general, and in the three priority areas selected in particular.

The study defined 8 principles according to which research priorities should be selected: impact on human society, impact on ecosystems, achieving a broad impact, research and technological innovation, need for research, addressing local needs, and addressing global challenges.

For each principle, criteria were determined to enable the quantification of the impact of each field of research on the advancement of each principle, so that finally, it would be possible to score each area of environmental R&D according to the diferent criteria and narrow down the research priority areas.

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