Mapping National Research Infrastructures
The purpose of the research is the mapping of the existing national research infrastructures and the definition of the needs of Israeli researchers with respect to the upgrade and establishment of new research infrastructures.
Examining R&D Activity Areas, Infrastructure and Labor Force in Subjects Involving Space
This work was commissioned by the National Space Committee, the National Council for R&D. The objective of this study is to provide data and information to all entities operating in the field of space R&D on their role and the status of personnel and infrastructure at their disposal, in order to help the NCRD formulate a national plan for the development, preservation, and promotion of R&D in the field of space.
Mapping National Research Infrastructures in Israel
The Samuel Neaman Institute is conducting in 2012-2014 a further study on the subject of ‘Mapping National Research Infrastructures in Israel’. The goal of the study is to build the knowledge database that would allow the creation of a road map for planning national research infrastructures in Israel and to formulate a policy that will define budgets and priorities within a national policy on large research infrastructures in Israel.
Developing a Northern Biotechnologies Cluster in Israel - BioNorth
The S. Neaman Institute is leading an initiative to establish a ‘Northern Biotechnologies Cluster in Israel’ incorporating all companies, incubators, start-ups and academy researchers in the north of Israel. The rationale for this initiative is that biotechnology has become the fastest growing industrial sector in Israel and worldwide, and is reshaping science, especially life science, medicine, food and agriculture.
Evaluation of the Space Industry's Impact on the Israeli Economy
This project is operating under the auspices of the S. Neaman Institute and the Economics of National Security (ENS) Research Program. Its goal is to map out the interconnections between Israel's academy, national defense system and industry in light of the country's growth in space industry and in space technology R&D.
Human Resources for Science and Technology in Israel
The goal of this project, which is operating under the auspices of the S. Neaman Institute and the National Council for Civil Research & Development (MOLMOP) in cooperation with the Central Bureau of Statistics, is to present data on the science and technology human resources in Israel. This data will assist the MOLMOP members in shaping a policy concerning science and technology labor force training for the industry and academic sectors.
Facilitating Collaboration in Stem Cell Research through Intellectual Property
The goal of the research is to create an infrastructure for designing a policy concerning research, development, and knowledge transfer in the field of stem cells. This policy was intended to encourage scientific innovativeness as well as help lever Israel's position as a leader in this field in the global arena.
Intellectual Property in the Government Sector: The State of Affairs
The goal of the study is to create an infrastructure for forming a policy on the issue of intellectual property rights to knowledge that constitutes a product of R&D activity that is funded by the government and executed by governmental agencies/civil servants. The aim is to consolidate recommendations on guidelines in order to build a strategy for managing intellectual property in accordance with the government R&D objectives and to study the implications of knowledge transfer owned by the government through the commercialization of intellectual property rights.
Evaluating the "Rothschild Fellowship" Program
The main goal of the research was to evaluate the impact of the program on the candidates' careers and to assess their chances of pursuing academic careers in leading universities and research institutions in Israel. The research population included 359 candidates who applied to the program between 1996 and 2005. Three groups are included in the analysis: candidates who received the fellowship (Rothschild fellows), candidates who their application was turned down by the evaluation committee and candidates who chose to decline the fellowship.
Prime - Euro CV
The Euro CV project was part of the PRIME network of excellence that examined the use of new indicators for science, technology and innovation (ENID). The PRIME network operated within the EU's Framework Program for Research and Technological Development (FP6).