R&D Activity, infrastructures and human resources in the civil space sector: Academy, Industry and education system in Israel

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Getz Daphne, Buchnik Tsipy, Zalmanovich Bella, Lavid Noa, Barzani Ella. R&D Activity, infrastructures and human resources in the civil space sector: Academy, Industry and education system in Israel Haifa Israel: Samuel Neaman Institute, 2015. https://www.neaman.org.il/EN/RD-infrastructures-hr-civil-space-sector-Academy-Industry-education-sys-Il
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This work was commissioned by the National Space Committee, the National Council for R&D. The objective of this study is to provide data and information to all entities operating in the field of space R&D on their role and the status of personnel and infrastructure at their disposal, in order to help the NCRD formulate a national plan for the development, preservation, and promotion of R&D in the field of space.

Over the years, Israel took part in international technological and research projects in the field of space and gained international recognition and reputation of its achievements and capabilities.

As part of the survey, we interviewed 27 seniors and 120 questionnaires were distributed to academic researchers and 60 questionnaires were distributed to space companies. At the end of the process, we mapped 41 companies and 75 academic researchers.

This study presents mapping of the main knowledge & R&D centers in the following sectors:

Academy, industry and the education system including: institutions, researchers, infrastructures, human resources, cooperation, R&D, research outputs, etc. The study also presents the unique characteristics of the Israeli space sector and ideas regarding future directions of the Israeli space sector.


This study covers the following topics:

-          Data on world's space industry: market size and budgets.

-          Mapping the space industry knowledge centers in Israel: industry leaders, human resources, R&D activity and cooperation.

-          Mapping the centers of knowledge and infrastructures in the academy (astronomy and astrophysics, aerospace engineering and remote sensing).

-          Analysis of space R&D outputs - scientific publications in the field of astronomy and astrophysics and space engineering.

-          Review of educational activities (formal and non-formal) for children and youth in the field of space.

-          Review of space activities in the government sector: Ministry of Defense and Israel Space Agency (ISA).

-          Trends and characteristics analysis of the Israeli space sector: SWOT of the Israeli space industry, future directions of the space sector, space industry policy, work force training in the space sector and research activities in the academy.


The final report was presented and approved by the Committee in September 2014.

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