Build Back Better Toward a Visual Strategic Plan for Successful Emergence from COVID 19 The Case of Israel Part I

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Maital Shlomo, Barzani Ella. Build Back Better Toward a Visual Strategic Plan for Successful Emergence from COVID 19 The Case of Israel Part I Haifa Israel: Samuel Neaman Institute, 2020.

This three-part research paper proposes a strategic long-run plan for Israel, as it emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic. It is based on three key sources:

(a) a landmark pre-pandemic UN report, on how nations can build back better after natural disasters, along with related research, (See Part I),

(b) a new book by Ruchir Sharma, 10 Rules for Successful Nations which includes extensive global historical data, (See Part II) and

(c) in Part III, a visual approach for benchmarking economic, social and political performance of Israel, relative to other nations, which we call the SNI Wheels of Life.

Currently, Israel and other nations focus single-mindedly on dealing with the public health crisis caused by COVID-19, as well as on the short-term economic crisis it has brought. This is understandable, with widespread unemployment and even hunger. The resulting crisis, however, has the potential for initiating powerful long-term reforms.

In this report, Part I, we conduct a survey of recent research on the theme of ‘build back better’ – how capable nations bounce back and rebuild after natural disasters, with the overarching theme of Build Back Better.


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