Higher Education Forum
The Samuel Neaman Institute, in collaboration with "Bashaar - Academic Community for Israeli Society", organizes the higher education forum. The higher education forum was established following an international conference held in December 2004 at the Neaman Institute on the subject of "Transition to Mass Higher Education Systems." The goal of the forum is to hold discussions on issues that concern the higher education system in Israel and to hold an open dialogue between the universities, colleges, Israel Council for Higher Education, Planning and Budgeting Committee and other governmental and public organizations.
The Forum for Engineering Education at the 21st Century
The Forum is a platform incorporating representatives of universities, colleges of engineering, government ministries and agencies, industry and youngsters, working together to advance insights and paradigms for engineering education, reflecting the needs of the 21st century.
Enhancing Skill Assimilation in Higher Education: Formative Evaluation of a Pilot Program
The Edmond de Rothschild Center for Connecting Higher Education and Employment is spearheading a pilot initiative aimed at developing and promoting an institutional framework for the integration of occupational qualifications and skills within disciplinary study courses. In collaboration with two higher education institutions, this pilot will involve updating four selected courses to incorporate pedagogies that support the acquisition of skills and qualifications.
Evaluation of the Technion Excellence Programs
The Technion Program for Excellence was launched in 1992 and is intended for undergraduate students in the Faculties of Science and Engineering who have been identified as having exceptional abilities.
Mapping Agriculture R&D in Israel
The Science and Innovation Department of the British Council (through the British Embassy in Israel) has partnered with the Samuel Neaman Institute (SNI) in a joint project, the objective of which is to identify the relevant subjects in the area of Agricultural Science that have high synergy and high potential for cooperation between the United Kingdom and Israeli scientists.
The Zvi Griliches Research Data Center
The Zvi Griliches Research Data Center was established in 2000 to encourage the study of empirical economic of Israel in issues related to the economy of research and development, the high-tech sector, innovation, human capital and productivity.
Science and Technology Education Forum
The Forum for Science and Technology Education started its activities in 2013. The purpose of the forum is to establish and promote cooperation between different sectors in Israel in order to foster K-12 science and technology education. The Neaman Institute decided to focus on this topic due to the importance attributed to science and technology education in Israel for the future of the state and the need to increase the number of high-school pupils who choose to study these subjects on the AP level.
Education of engineers in the 21st century
The Neaman Institute has initiated a national process to re-evaluate the education of engineers in the academic institutes in Israel with the objective to train a young generation of engineers with the abilities to promote innovation in the hi-tech and traditional industries as well as harness the frontier of science for these purposes.
Preventive intervention for children undergoing surgery, coupled with changes in the policies of the Department of pediatric Surgery, Operating Room and Recovery Room, designed to enhance the children’s emotional, cognitive and behavioral control, in order to accomplish the developmental, psychological tasks and promote their mental health.
Women In Computing
the project focused on how diversity is expressed in the national Informatics Olympiad. There are numerous international, as well as national, science Olympiads that serve as an opportunity for developing and demonstrating intellectual and scientific skills; as such, they attract highly talented and gifted students. Accordingly, a relevant question to be asked is: What does this fact reflect with respect to the expression of diversity in this context? In this study we aim at examining this question by focusing on how diversity is expressed in the Israeli national Informatics Olympiad.
Mathematical Achievement for All
The Israeli Organization for Mathematical Achievement for All (IFMA), and the Department of Scientific Education at the Technion were supported during 2004 by the S. Neaman Institute. IFMA has translated mathematics books from Singapore, a country which leads the world in mathematics education, and is using these books in 116 schools around the country.
A National Plan for the Chemical Industry in Israel
The National Plan for the Chemical Industry in Israel is a large project that the S. Neaman Institute has been leading since 2004. The project analyzes past and present chemical and pharmaceutical activities in Israel, presents alternatives and proposes new industry branches in this field.
An Innovative Approach to Learning Mathematics in the Context of Cultural Pluralism
In this project we are developing a course entitled "Teaching Geometry in a Cultural Context" which will be delivered in the spring semester of 2008 at the Technion. In addition, we are preparing instructional materials that college student-mentors will use for teaching geometry in a cultural context in high school geometry and design classes.
Non-Stop Mathematics
Mathematics curricula in most countries, including Israel, do not reflect the ongoing work and the new results being accumulated in mathematics. Many graduates of the education system develop a misconception that mathematics is a closed and stagnant area, where all the answers are known and very little, if anything, is left to stimulate their curiosity and desire to invest in creating new results. In an attempt to deal with the problem, the project team developed a set of Mathematics News Snapshots (abb. MNSs) in the format of short PowerPoint presentations each focusing on a single breakthrough in the field of mathematics, taking into account the limited background of high school level students.
The Development of Research Universities in Israel
Research universities in Israel have developed following the developments in the world. Beyond that, they play a major role in Israel's economic, social, and cultural development. The work describes the major events and processes that took place over decades, during which several unique characteristics evolved, the distinguished academic status of the research universities was established, and the national significant contribution of the universities was formed.
Evaluating the Technion Excellence Program
In recent years, there has been a growing demand that scientists make science accessible to the general public, to allow both the existence and advancement of a society that supports and promotes knowledge, and for receiving support and legitimacy from the public to conduct scientific research.
"Wheels of Life" in Israel
The "Wheels of Life" project was launched in 2013, in order to compare Israel's performance with the performance of other countries in five main dimensions of Israel's society: economics, innovation, science and technology, society-governance- education, environment, and energy. The data source used for comparative analysis is the World Competitiveness Yearbook of the IMD School of Management, a leading business school in Lausanne, Switzerland, which presents data on a wide range of global competitiveness variables in 60 countries.
An Innovative, Pluralistic, Multi-Valued Approach To Learning
In this project we developed, examined and evaluated processes of mathematical learning in the applied realistic context with regard to different learning styles. The progress in the first year of the project was in two directions, as described inside.
Where is Chemistry Education Heading?
More than a decade ago, working groups at the Neaman Institute explored the future of the chemical industry in Israel. One of the four working groups focused on the question of education in chemistry. Under the leadership of Prof. Judy Dori, this group investigated the state of chemistry teaching in Israel and the future of chemistry education in Israel by interviewing and administering questionnaires to chemists, chemical engineers, academics, and teachers.
Excellence in Mathematics in the Ultra-Orthodox Community
This is an exploratory study, solicited by the Trump Foundation in Israel, aimed at the assessment of the potential for excellence in Math and Physics studies within the current Haredi Educational System. The study illuminates some of the recent transformations occurring in this regard, both within the Yeshivot of the Haredi men, as well among the Haredi women's education system, predominantly the Beit-Ya'akov schools. The report concludes by forecasting, cautiously, an imminent trend change towards a legitimate growing of excellence in mathematics among various sections in the Haredi society.
Evaluation of the Technion Excellence Programs
The Technion Program for Excellence was launched in 1992 and is intended for undergraduate students in the Faculties of Science and Engineering who have been identified as having exceptional abilities.
Women in Technological and Scientific Entrepreneurship
This research identifies obstacles that prevent women from becoming involved in entrepreneurship in research and technology and suggests ways to increase women’s participation in entrepreneurial activities at the Technion and beyond
A traffic light for a math teacher
Collaborative development of mathematics teaching plans for the highest level (5 units) as a means for nurturing mathematics teachers' community of practice in the northern region in Israel
Conditions For The Prosperity Of The State Of Israel
In 2004, the S. Neaman Institute established a research project to address the fundamental problems facing the State of Israel and the Jewish people. To that end, the Institute assembled a group of the country's top thinkers and researchers in different areas of expertise - philosophy, society, law, politics and technology
Unique aspects in the Technion development
This study provides a wide view on the progression of the Technion, since its establishment until nowadays. Over the years the institute faced heavy national challenges in the domains of defense, economy and society. At the same time, efforts to raise academic standards and excellence have been continuous extended. All these activities affected the progression and the uniqueness of the institutional culture. As a result, academic excellence has been achieved, together with major contributions to the defense, economy and society in Israel.
The aspects of establishing an academic center in the city of Petah Tikva
Examining different possible models for a new academic center in the city of Petah Tikva, including the school for outstanding and gifted students, or any alternative to such a center. Using several methodologies such as interviews and literature review, three possible models were devised and presented to the management of the Petah Tikva Municipality to select the best model suitable for the urban ecosystem: Lifelong Learning center, novel applied academic center, and a combination of a Lifelong Learning Center and an existing academic center.