April 2024
Assessing the Effectiveness, Economic Benefits, and Social & Economic Impact of Obesity Prevention and Reduction Reforms
Rinat Klein, Avida Shoham, Sima Tziperfal, Daphne Getz, Nadav Caspi, Shani Pais
February 2023
Post-Truth Phenomena: Definitions, Consequences and Solutions
Shakked Dabran-Zivan, Ayelet Baram-Tsabari
November 2021
Building a personal resilience through contact with nature in the times of Corona
Ofira Ayalon, Keren Kaplan-Mintz, Tzipi Eshet, Orly Nathan, Arin Khashan, Naama Shapira
November 2021
Ancillary benefit assessment of JNF forests: physical and psychological well-being, cultural services, and economic aspects
Ofira Ayalon, Keren Kaplan-Mintz, Tzipi Eshet, Orly Nathan, Arin Khashan, Ziv Shina, Edna Fichtman, Naama Shapira