Knowledge Centers and the Location of Hi-Tech firms - The Cluster of Rehovot-Nes-Ziona Region in Israel

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Vidar Amir, Shefer Daniel. Knowledge Centers and the Location of Hi-Tech firms - The Cluster of Rehovot-Nes-Ziona Region in Israel Haifa Israel: Samuel Neaman Institute, 1993.
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The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the location considerations of the High-Tech industries located in Rehovot - Nes Ziona area. In order to test the research hypotheses a personal questionnaire was administered through a personal interview with the company's general manager or one of the company's senior executives. In addition, personal interviews were carried out with representatives of the academic/research institutions. Public representatives in the Municipality of Rehovot and on the council of Nes Ziona and several other experts were also interviewed. Forty-six High-Tech companies are located in the study area of these 35 companies agreed to be interviewed.

The research findings show the strong ties which exist between location considerations of the High Tech companies and the academic/research institutions located in the study area. The initiative to establish the Weizmann Science Park came from the Weizmann Institute itself. Inter-relationships exist between the High-Tech companies that where surveyed and the academic/research institutions in the study area. These inter-relationships are stronger with the companies belonging to the natural sciences group.

The Rehovot - Nes Ziona area, and especially the Weizmann Science Park, have a good tnd high prestigious image that attracts High-Tech companies to the area. It was found that High-Tech industries prefer to be located on the outskirts of the metropolis. An especially important factor for the location of the High-Tech companies is the availability of land, buildings and local infrastructure.

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