Women In Computing
the project focused on how diversity is expressed in the national Informatics Olympiad. There are numerous international, as well as national, science Olympiads that serve as an opportunity for developing and demonstrating intellectual and scientific skills; as such, they attract highly talented and gifted students. Accordingly, a relevant question to be asked is: What does this fact reflect with respect to the expression of diversity in this context? In this study we aim at examining this question by focusing on how diversity is expressed in the Israeli national Informatics Olympiad.
Human Resources for Science and Technology in Israel
The goal of this project, which is operating under the auspices of the S. Neaman Institute and the National Council for Civil Research & Development (MOLMOP) in cooperation with the Central Bureau of Statistics, is to present data on the science and technology human resources in Israel. This data will assist the MOLMOP members in shaping a policy concerning science and technology labor force training for the industry and academic sectors.
The Emergence of a Global Work Culture in Multinational Organizations
Multinational organizations (MNO) are a major actor in the global work environment. MNOs face the need to create a "common language" across cultural borders, and at the same time respect the local customs of their subsidiaries. Two indications for a common language are the acceptance of the MNO's global work culture, and the creation of a global identity.
Women-Physicians' Inroads Into Male Specialties (Surgery)
The goal of this study is to present a precise picture of the changes which have occurred in the rate of female representation in surgery through a literature review examining the various factors which have brought about these changes, and by surveying female physicians who made these changes.
R&D Vision and Strategy- Leveraging R&D and Technology Adoption for Sustained and Balanced Economic Growth
This effort is headed by Mr. Eli Hurvitz (chairman of Teva) and Mr. David Brodet, and aims to formulate a national strategy for placing Israel among the top 10 countries of the world in terms of economic achievements and social development. The R&D and Technology Adoption Team is one of six teams operating within the Vision & Strategy project. Its mission is to formulate a blueprint for a national Innovation and Technology Policy, (ITP), taking into account both the leading position of the Israeli high-tech industry and its scientific and technological research capabilities, as well as the more traditional industries.
Prime - Euro CV
The Euro CV project was part of the PRIME network of excellence that examined the use of new indicators for science, technology and innovation (ENID). The PRIME network operated within the EU's Framework Program for Research and Technological Development (FP6).
Innovation in the Service Sector
This initiative by the Samuel Neaman Institute with joint funding of SNI and the Chief Scientist at the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor, is designed to examine innovation in the service sector for the first time in Israel.
Mapping Human Talent Requirements for Jerusalem's Advanced Industry
The Samuel Neaman Institute for National Policy Research, together with The Jerusalem Development Authority, Jerusalem Municipality, The Social-Economic Forum and The Employers Administration initiated a project for encouraging discharged soldiers to study and work in Jerusalem. The main aim of this project is to identify trends in human talent requirements within the Jerusalem labor market.
Benevolent community
“Benevolent Community – for Social Mobility, Community Resilience, and Quality of Life – in the 21st Century”
Integrating the Ultra-Orthodox Population in the Israeli Economy
The Ultra-orthodox (U-O) Integration Project was inaugurated at the Samuel Neaman Institute in 2010, following the recommendations of the ”Israel 2028” Project. The goals of the UOI Project were to investigate the subject and provide recommendations as to how to enhance the participation of the U-O population in the labor market in Israel. During the last 5 years, the project team has produced a multitude of analyses on various aspects of the subject matter and has published numerous reports, which in turn had significant impact on the national policy in this area.
Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Smart Robotics
The aim of the project is to present an up-to-date and complete picture of the current activities in academia and industry in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Smart Robotics, and to examine the possibilities of advancing these fields, as is being done in many advanced countries.
Where is Chemistry Education Heading?
More than a decade ago, working groups at the Neaman Institute explored the future of the chemical industry in Israel. One of the four working groups focused on the question of education in chemistry. Under the leadership of Prof. Judy Dori, this group investigated the state of chemistry teaching in Israel and the future of chemistry education in Israel by interviewing and administering questionnaires to chemists, chemical engineers, academics, and teachers.
Israelis in Berlin: Community in the Making
In recent years, an increased immigration movement to Europe has been discerned, mainly to two cities, London and Berlin. This study examines the motives of migration, lifestyles, and perceptions of Israelis who emigrated to Berlin, in light of the special relationship between Israel and Germany.
Evaluating the "Rothschild Fellowship" Program
The main goal of the research was to evaluate the impact of the program on the candidates' careers and to assess their chances of pursuing academic careers in leading universities and research institutions in Israel. The research population included 359 candidates who applied to the program between 1996 and 2005. Three groups are included in the analysis: candidates who received the fellowship (Rothschild fellows), candidates who their application was turned down by the evaluation committee and candidates who chose to decline the fellowship.
'Community and Career Center for Converters to Secularism' – Evaluation Study
This is an evaluation study, of the Formative Assessment nature, focusing on the program 'Community and Career Center for Former Haredim'. The program aims at creating a supportive community for lapsed Haredim, to diminish education and cultural gaps and to assist their integration within the secular society.
Evaluation of the Program Salary-Employment Advancement of New Immigrants
The current study was commissioned by the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption in cooperation with the Samuel Neaman Institute. The main goals of the research were: to identify the factors which affect the employment of immigrants at the conclusion of the period of assistance and in the course of time, examine the effect of running the program on the employment of new immigrants and formulate recommendations that could assist policy makers in improving the program.
Strategic Policies for Increasing Arab Women's Participation in the Labor Market
A significant problem facing the social and economic development of Arab society today is the low rate of Arab women's participation in the labor force. Only one fifth of Arab women participate in the labor force, compared to 60% among Jewish women in Israel. This low employment rate is reflected in the high poverty levels in Arab society where more than 50% of the Arab households live under the poverty line according to the 2008 statistics.
Women in Technological and Scientific Entrepreneurship
This research identifies obstacles that prevent women from becoming involved in entrepreneurship in research and technology and suggests ways to increase women’s participation in entrepreneurial activities at the Technion and beyond
It Takes Two to Tango? Spatial and Social Implications of Joint Civil-Military Development
The study examined the impact of the IDF bases' relocation to the Negev on strengthening the urban regions in the Be'er Sheva metropolitan area. It was hypothesized that the relocation of military installations would become a major mechanism for strengthening the towns located in the Be'er Sheva metropolitan area, strengthening the Negev's urban sector and thus increasing social integration. The study examined this hypothesis, both qualitatively and quantitatively, based on a broad spectrum of collected data.
A traffic light for a math teacher
Collaborative development of mathematics teaching plans for the highest level (5 units) as a means for nurturing mathematics teachers' community of practice in the northern region in Israel
Immigration and Career Choice of Scientific Staff Members
The study, which is conducted as part of an evaluation that explores a possibility to establish a Technion branch at the Negev, examines the return of faculty members to Israel and their absorption into scientific research institutions. The purpose of the study is to understand the researches' location choices, preferring specific research institutions over other alternatives abroad, or vice versa.
Unique aspects in the Technion development
This study provides a wide view on the progression of the Technion, since its establishment until nowadays. Over the years the institute faced heavy national challenges in the domains of defense, economy and society. At the same time, efforts to raise academic standards and excellence have been continuous extended. All these activities affected the progression and the uniqueness of the institutional culture. As a result, academic excellence has been achieved, together with major contributions to the defense, economy and society in Israel.
Absorption of Senior Israeli and Foreign Researchers in Israeli Universities
This research, carried out at the request of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, relates to Israeli and foreign researchers who were senior faculty members in universities abroad and chose to accept position of Associate or Full Professor in Israeli universities. The study provides a recent mapping of these researchers in Israel including their research focus, the motivation for their arrival, their integration in Israeli universities and strategies for encouraging this process.
Graduates of Israeli Universities MD PhD Training Program
MD-PhD program graduates are an important pillar in Biomedical research in general, and particularly in the conduction of translational medical research. Developed countries invest significant efforts in this unique human-talent resource which in turn can contribute greatly to the local ecosystem advancing the healthcare, industrial and academic sectors.
Technology forecasts for scientific and technological personnel needs
This study was conducted as part of a four-year tender for the National Council for Research and Development in the Ministry of Science and Technology. The objective of this study is to forecasts the needs of scientific and technological personnel for selected fields/professions for the short term (10 years).
Learning Infrastructures in the Field of Nanotechnology – EduNano TEMPUS
The EduNano project is part of TEMPUS, an EU program that supports the modernization of higher education in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Western Balkans, North Africa, and the Middle East. SNI participates in the project together with the nano centers of the Israeli universities and Elbit Systems. In addition, the Technical University of Sofia in Bulgaria, the Polytechnic Institute of Turin in Italy, and the Grenoble Institute of Technology in France participate in the project.
Israel-Us Academic Relations
Israel on Campus Coalition (ICC) is a national network of students, faculty members, and professionals in the US, whose goal is to strengthen the pro-Israel movement on campuses across the US. The research department of the ICC addressed SNI and requested a review of the development of academic relations between Israel and the United States over the past decade.
The Higher Education System in Israel: Issues, Characteristics and Unique Aspects
The goal of this project is to examine various aspects that concern excellence evaluations of universities in Israel. Approaches and issues concerning excellence evaluation are universal subjects that are dealt with by many countries. Correct evaluations contribute to the promotion of excellence, while inadequate evaluations may evoke negative processes and even significant damage.
Information centers of MAGNET Consortia
A computerized information center, one of the largest in Israel, operates at the Samuel Neaman Institute. The center was established to fulfill the needs of knowledge management and to supply information science services to consortia that operate within the MAGNET program, and is part of the MAGNET program of the Ministry of Economy.