Dr. Gilead Fortuna, a senior research fellow at the Samuel Neaman Institute for national policy research and the founder and the head of the center for industrial excellence and has served on senior management positions in the Israel leading industries. He was the Vice President for operations and the VP for marketing and business Development for Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd, the CEO and President of IMI TAMI Institute for Research and Development Ltd, the CEO of Chemical and Fertilizers Ltd. and until recently Vice President for operations and business development of Teva Pharmaceuticals Ltd. He also serves today as a board member of Enzymotec Ltd., (delivering lipids) and on the board of Governors and the management board of the Technion.
Dr. Gilead Fortuna has initiated and founded the Aquise Ltd., a company for innovative water treatments, was the founder and until recently the chairman of Novetide Ltd, a company for drug research and manufacturing. He has recently written national policies for the Israeli Chemical Industry and for the Israeli Cleantech industry.
He has a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Illinois in the USA, an MSc and BSC summa cum laude from the Technion in Israel and is a graduate of the AMP program for senior management from Harvard Business School.
Studies: Sustainable Development
Samuel Neaman Institute's publications in the field discuss the challenges and opportunities arising from a situation of lack of resources – land, energy, water, food and raw materials in industry. The studies present analyses of the existing situation, along with the potential for efficiency improvements and innovation and the leverage of Israeli Environmental R&D, agriculture and industry.
Studies: Agriculture
Samuel Neaman Institute's publications examine various aspects of the field of agriculture in Israel, including the social contributions of agriculture; the possibilities for developing sustainable agriculture in conditions of scarcity; sustainable aquaculture; development and adoption of innovation and information technology in agriculture; issues in the management interface between agriculture and water, and more.
Studies: Innovation – Environmental Technologies
Samuel Neaman Institute's publications indicate the necessary steps for the State of Israel to utilize the potential inherent in this market - both for improving the quality of life and the environment in Israel and for the opportunity to export knowledge and technologies and create jobs in the field. The works reflect the main trends in the world, map the uniqueness and relative advantage of the Israeli economy and shed light on the barriers facing entrepreneurs, investors and industries in Israel. In addition, the policy papers detail basic principles for designing a supportive policy.
Industrial Symbiosis in the North of Israel
The term "Industrial Symbiosis" describes a situation in which an industry develops a symbiosis with another industry in a beneficial way for both parties, so that the waste of one organization can serve as raw materials for the other industry. As part of a pilot initiated by the Ministry of Economy, 4s LTD. promotes the project in the North of the country, with Dr. Fortuna and prof. Ayalon as consultants.
Upgrading the Economic System of the North
In mid-2014, SNI joined a venture with the Ministry of Economic and Industrie, aimed at drafting a plan for substantial improvement of the economic status of the North. During 2015, the project was completed and a summary report, which includes an analysis of the socioeconomic situation in the north, and recommendations to realize change-generating infrastructure anchors and non-linear growth generators, was submitted to the Government.
The Industrial Excellence Center
The Industrial Excellence Center was established in 2011 and its objective is to promote a national industrial policy. The Center helps formulate and promote a proactive policy of industrial excellence, intended to sustain a balanced and high-quality national industry that maintains a healthy lifecycle, which is tested by its global competitive advantage and quality employment of all sectors of society. The Industrial Excellence Center is also part of the Israel 2028 Vision.
Challenges for Water Usage in Global Industry
This research project began in 2011 in cooperation with Newtech and the Israel Export Institute and was designed to increase the competitiveness of the Israeli water industry in the world. The project aims to map industrial sectors that use large amounts of water, requiring innovative technological developments to reduce water consumption per unit of product, to allow the release of emitted water while preserving the environment, and to highlight the solutions to opportunities and needs that will enable businesses to grow and become more robust.
An Analysis of Israel's Renewable Energy IndustryAn Analysis of the Renewable Energy Industry of Israel
This project began as part of a joint venture with the Newtech unit at the Ministry of Economics, and since 2015 it has continued with the funding of the Samuel Neaman Institute, as part of the Industrial Excellence Center. The goal of the project is to leverage Israel's position as a leader in the field of renewable energy, including energy production and its integration into the energy system, efficiency improvements, and the development of fuel substitutes.
Israel 2028: Vision and Strategy for Israel
Continuing the efforts to actually implement the program "Israel 2028 – Socio Economic Vision and Strategy in Global World", the Samuel Neaman Institute initiated several projects designated to prepare a multi-annual implementation programs, in collaboration with government agencies.
The Contribution of Large Companies to the National Economy
This project deals with the contribution of the large companies to the industrial and technological economy, in order to examine whether the existence of the large companies is essential to the industrial-business ecosystem. Related activities began in 2012, and continued in 2013 in cooperation with the economists Dr. Freeman and Yuval Niv. An additional partner in the project is Teva, which helps with the data required to assess its total contribution to the state's economy.
Insects in the Service of Man
Insects are of fundamental importance to the ecosystem, and their existence is critical for human survival. Insects play a variety of roles in the service of man, while the research of the full potential inherent in them is still in various stages.
The National Council for Civilian Space R&D in Israel
Dr. Gilead Fortuna’s appointment as a member of the National Council for Civilian Space R&D Committee in 2012 allowed the Samuel Neaman Institute to become more active and contribute significantly to the National Council for R&D. Furthermore, in 2012 there were three meetings of the committee, during which Dr. Fortuna was appointed to head the sub-committee that deals with R&D strategy in space.
the construction of an insdustrial park in the areas of shfara'am
A master plan for the construction of a new industrial park at the closed quarry of Shfar'am, consolidates a recommended strategy for the new industrial zone in Shfar'am, to be built in the quarry adjacent to the eastern side of the town of Shefar'am. For the first time in Israel, an Arab municipality is leading a significant process of promoting the combined Jewish-Arab economy.
Innovation 2011 – Active Industrial Policy for leveraging Science and Technology and Israel's Unique Culture of Innovation.
The program commenced at the end of 2009 and ended in 2011. The project was initiated by the U.S.-Israel Science and Technology Foundation, was authorized by the Minister of Industry, Trade and Labor and led by the Chief Scientist of the Ministry. Innovation 2011 is a strategy for implementing the mission outlined in "Israel 2028 –Vision and Strategy for Economy and Society in a Global World," initiated by the U.S.-Israel Science & Technology Foundation and presented to the Government of Israel.
Empowering the Classical Industry
2016 was characterized by the promotion of the outline proposed by the Committee to Empower Classical Industry, expanding it into other areas, such as education, promoting technological-vocational education
Cooperation Policy in Business and Science with East Asia
Within the national policy framework to expand cooperation with the East, an issue that was discussed in the past has been raised again in practical terms, namely the collaboration between Israeli industry and leading industries in China and India. Two large Israeli companies were recently acquired by leading companies of China and India; the company "Makhteshim Agan" was acquired by Chem China and the company "Taro" were acquired by Sun Pharma, a well-known Indian company.
Israelis in Berlin: Community in the Making
In recent years, an increased immigration movement to Europe has been discerned, mainly to two cities, London and Berlin. This study examines the motives of migration, lifestyles, and perceptions of Israelis who emigrated to Berlin, in light of the special relationship between Israel and Germany.
National Policy on the Use of Natural Gas
The application of natural gas in industry requires that the dilemma concerning its transportation in Israel be studied. According to the solution that was selected, a government company transports the gas to the distribution centers and to the largest consumers, but transport to smaller industries is left to private enterprises. We believe that this leads to small and medium industries having an unequal opportunity to realize the benefits of natural gas, and that the present design will mainly affect classic industries, whose energy costs constitute a significant part of their expenses, and whose profits do not allow them to be competitive without replacing liquid fuel with natural gas.
A National Plan for the Chemical Industry in Israel
The National Plan for the Chemical Industry in Israel is a large project that the S. Neaman Institute has been leading since 2004. The project analyzes past and present chemical and pharmaceutical activities in Israel, presents alternatives and proposes new industry branches in this field.
Promoting a Strategy for Commercial Space in Israel
Dr. Gilead Fortuna was appointed in 2012 to serve as a member of the NCRD Committee on Civilian Space and was later appointed to serve as the head of the sub-committee dealing with R&D strategy in commercial space. The sub-committee held a series of discussions, aimed at formulating major directions for a long-term program that combines the advantages for Israel of building a commercial industry and promoting the infrastructures of science and scientific education.
Israel needs a new industrial policy
03 June, 2024
A new industrial policy is necessary according to Dr. Gilead Fortunas' recommendations for how the State of Israel can manage the de-globalization process
The new world (dis)order: A clash of values
14 May, 2024
Since the culmination of World War II, the world has undergone profound political, social, and economic transformations on a global scale. These shifts are elucidated through the comprehensive Zoom in/Zoom out framework, delineated in four discerning steps.
The importance of Haifa Chemicals
02 August, 2017
The workers of the chemical industry in Israel are the spearhead of a profitable and smart industry that contributes significantly to the economics of Israel.
Why Israel needs to promote its global Cleantech industry?
06 July, 2016
Israel was recently recognized as a global leader in Cleantech innovation; A major barrier for Israel start-ups to leverage this innovation into competitive global industry is the lack of available funding of commercial projects at the after the technology had already been proven. This article reviews the Israel Cleantech innovations and recommendations for implementing a national policy for the global Cleantech industry is suggested.
Realization of opportunities in natural gas
23 December, 2013
In a situation where the cost of conversion to gas is not financially possible for many companies in the economy, and when there is a source of supply risk, there is need to organize the construction of infrastructure in high urgency and to seek ways to expedite the realization of the potential at lower risk.
Core infrastructure for the industry
23 December, 2013
A policy of designing industrial clusters, which provide core infrastructure for designated industrial sectors is implemented very successfully in recent years in many countries as inspired by the management guru Michael Porter. It works well for Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Finland, Sweden and other countries.? It's time to plan smart infrastructure for the industry in Israel.
The Other Side of the Start-Up Nation
28 November, 2013
Alongside the Blossom of the Start Up industry, we need to find the way to grow bigger companies that will enable to expand the innovation fruits to wider population for the benefit of the Israel economy. The article relates to the dilemmas and optional solutions.
Israeli innovation dilemma: Wize and Better Place as a metaphor
21 June, 2013
The lesson from the success of waze and failure of Better Place is that it is not possible to implement the whole vision at the start of your journey. It is more important to build a company step by step, while understanding the market limitations and the customer expectations.
For them, it costs more
01 March, 2013
Only large companies benefit from the production of natural gas. Traditional industries will be left behind
Water challenges in the industry - leveraging your technology
Many global industries use water in production processes. Quantities of water consumed during production, complex water and wastewater treatment and regulations are barriers that leverage the industry but also can be an opportunity for innovative technologies.