January 2025
International Round Table Phase I for Advancing Skills in STEM Education
Eli Eisenberg, Arnon Bentur, Avigdor Zonnenshain, Tamar Dayan
August 2023
Self-efficacy, Interpersonal Skills and STEM Career Choice The Case of the FIRST Project
Yehudit Dori, Shahaf Rocker Yoel
May 2020
Technology environment that accelerates sharing and professional development for mathematics teachers The case of RAMZOR
Ruti Segal, Atara Shriki, Nitsa Movshovitz-Hadar
April 2017
Data Analytics approaches and tools survey for promoting advanced manufacturing
Inbal Yahav, Avigdor Zonnenshain
September 2016
Is there a Shortage of Academic Degree Holders in Science and Technology?
Benjamin Bental, Dan Peled