December 2010
Mapping of National Research Infrastructures in Israel
Daphne Getz, Dan Kaufman, Vered Gilad, Nir Ben Aharon, Bella Zalmanovich, Reut Marciano, Ella Barzani
December 2010
Energy Forum 19: Energy Efficiency in lighting systems
Gershon Grossman, Tal Goldrath, Michal Nachmany
December 2010
Road Map – A National Program to Promote the Integration of the Ultra-Orthodox Population in the Israeli Economy
Ilia Zatcovetsky, Reuven Gal
December 2010
TOD – Transit Oriented Development Urban Planning around Accessible Rail Transit
Yodan Rofe, Yehuda Hayuth, Shlomo Maital
December 2010
Evaluation of the NOFAR Program
Daphne Getz, Vered Gilad, Eran Leck, Iris Eyal, Miriam Asotsky
November 2010
National Energy Technologies Research and Development Survey
Ofira Ayalon, Michal Nachmany, Tal Goldrath, Daphne Getz, Vered Gilad, Yifaat Baron
October 2010
Evaluation of the Rothschild Fellowships Program
Daphne Getz, Eran Leck, Orly Nathan, Yair Even-Zohar, Tsipy Buchnik, Vered Gilad
September 2010
Policy recommendations for treatment of packaging waste in Israel
Ofira Ayalon, Gadi Rosental, Michal Nachmany, Tal Goldrath, Idan Dorfman, Michal Grossman, Mordechai Shechter
June 2010
Innovation in Israel 2010 Implementation of
Gilead Fortuna, Elad Shaviv, Moshe Elad, Dorin Almog-Sudai