The Israeli Economy and Industry – a Journey Through Time

This book aims to present a broad picture of the Israeli economy and industry, hoping to derive lessons for the future from past events, and is a continuation of research at the Samuel Neaman Institute in 2020.
Social and Economic Implications of Employee Cutbacks

Introductory remarks Prof. Bilha Mannheim This seminar, held in the framework of the Samuel Neaman Institute for advanced studies in science and technology at the Technion and in cooperation with the Haifa district New Labor Organization, is the third in a series of seminars held in the last three years in this framework. It is […]
A Scientific-Technological Forecast – Approaching the 21st Century. Stage 2, Final Report

The present report summarizes the data from the second cycle of the “Delphi” survey, initiated by the Ministry of Science during the 1999-2000 work years. This follows the interim report published in October 1999 and included the results of the first cycle. The “Delphi” method is today one of the accepted tools in the developed […]
Human Resources Policy in an Age of Change, 1994, (Internal Report)

Open-ended discussions were held with managers and group leaders, most of whom have technical responsibilities. The agenda included: (a) The nature of the technical problems faced in process and product development and innovation, or that arise in production and servicing; (b) The role of the capabilities and experience of individuals in the solution of such […]
Towards An Infrastructure Policy Consensus and A National Capital Outlay Budjet 2000-2010 (Background Paper 1)

This short discussion paper is part of an effort to spawn discussion concerning infrastructure decisions and decision-making in Israel. It seeks to start a penetrating, across the board examination of needs, means, institutions and management practices in Israel as a basis for forging an agreed upon budgeting procedure and a capital outlay budget for the […]
Evaluation of the Impact of Traffic Overload and Parking Fees on the Demand for Travel – A Study on an Event at the Technion

This work deals with the influence of overflow and parking tolls on the demand for traveling to destinations, with regard to the behavioral aspect of the demand for travel and identifying the factors influencing the choice of travel means. The need for demand management and external intervention in the transportation system by tolls was created […]
Conference on shore extensions and artifical islands off the coast of Israel

The construction of a series of artificial islands off the shoreline of Israel constitutes a clear necessity towards the end of this decade and during the first half of the coming century. This is due to the pressing utilization and need for development of the coastal strip in general and the severe shortage of land […]
Increasing Productivity in R&D

The enormous development of high-tech areas during the last decade created an opportunity for many original developments and improvements of existing products. Most of the products are innovative, are based on advanced technology and require large investments in the R&D process. Market demands dictate efficient and fast development. An inefficient or slow development of a […]
The Current Energy Situation in Israel as a Departure Point for Future Planning

This report presents data on energy consumption in Israel, the principle structure of the energy economy and the activities in this economy in recent years. The object is to focus the problems arising from managing the energy economy here and the need to formulate a long range energy policy, according to agreed objectives, with the […]
An Examination of the Economic Implications for Israel of Space Exploration. Executive Summary

This work is submitted in the framework of a tender of the Israel Space Agency for the utilization of space. In the request for a price quote the aim was defined as follows: “Israel and the other industrialized countries in the world are involved in a lot of space related research activity. For a long […]