An Examination of the Economic Implications for Israel of Space Exploration. Executive Summary

This work is submitted in the framework of a tender of the Israel Space Agency for the utilization of space. In the request for a price quote the aim was defined as follows: “Israel and the other industrialized countries in the world are involved in a lot of space related research activity. For a long […]
Space Technology, Patterns of Warfare and Force Build-up: Between a Power and a Small State
This article concentrates on the question of how the expansion into space, which was part of the information and space technology revolution, affected patterns of warfare and concomitantly affected force build-up in the US and Israeli military forces . It will describe and analyze the influence of space technologies on the changes that have occurred […]
Dual Use of Space technologies and satellites

The dictated space system development method and system characteristics results systems with high similarity between commercial (civilian) systems and military one, i.e. most of them are with a nature of Dual Use (DU). This report reviews the status of DU operational modes and their usage, in the world and specifically in Israel in the specific […]
R&D Activity, infrastructures and human resources in the civil space sector: Academy, Industry and education system in Israel

This work was commissioned by the National Space Committee, the National Council for R&D. The objective of this study is to provide data and information to all entities operating in the field of space R&D on their role and the status of personnel and infrastructure at their disposal, in order to help the NCRD formulate […]
Evaluation of the Space Industry’s Impact on the Israeli Economy

This project was operating under the auspices of the Samuel Neaman Institute and the Economics of National Security (ENS) Program. Its goal was to map the interconnections between Israel’s academy, its national defense system and the industry in light of the country’s growth and position in space industry and in space technology. In the framework […]
Evaluation of the Space Industry’s Impact on the Israeli Economy

The publication includes 4 reports from the first phase of a project, which was conducted under the auspices of the Samuel Neaman Institute in the framework of the “Economics of National Security” (ENS) Research Program and was partly funded by the Ministry of Defense. The purpose of the project is to map out the interconnections […]
Data and Indicators on Aerospace Engineering, ICT and Biotechnology in Israel
The current report presents data and indicators of three fields of knowledge: Aerospace Engineering, ICT (Information and Communications Technologies), and Biotechnology. The Israeli Aerospace engineering review covers the space plans achievements, the main space institutes, the Aerospace engineering faculty at the Technion, bibliometric data, and military, economy and social aspects of the Israeli space plan. […]
The Aeronautic Industry in Israel – Present and Future

Defense industries and especially aeronautical industries all over the world are going through a period of changes and reduced activity. These changes stem from international factors such as lessening of hostility between political blocks, as well as a result of changes in social emphases in central governments in the U.S.A. and Europe. These changes did […]
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Civilian Space Applications

The beginnings of European cooperation in space and outline the purpose and structure of ESA. Discuss the objectives of Europe’s space programme and describe the successes and future plans of European space policy. Over the past thirty years, Europe has made substantial progress in developing its capability in space research and technology alongside the USA […]
The Aeronautic Infrastructure in Arab Countries

The report presents the development of aeronautical infrastructure in the Arab countries. First an overview of the aeronautical industry and research institutes in Arab countries is presented. It includes various industries, products, history of the organizations and if available also future planes. The aeronautical relations with other countries are discussed, especially in connection with future […]