for Progress

Proceedings of the International Workshop on The Interaction between Medicine and Engineering

Engineering and medicine are grass-routes disciplines. Both grow by responding to practical needs and thrive on the progress of science and technology. Most noticeable is the huge effect that modern technology, associated with new macro and micro imaging techniques and molecular scale diagnostic technologies, had on expanding the frontiers of medical science, and cardiology in […]

Requirements for bio-fabrication devices combining engineering and biology among Israeli companies and Technion researchers

As part of developing the bio-convergence field as an economic growth engine for Israel, there is great importance in collecting data concerning the industrial need for infrastructure and services. This includes information about the required equipment, the types of products for which service is required, what engineering skills are needed, expertise in design processes, and […]

Post-Truth Phenomena: Definitions, Consequences and Solutions

The outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020 has brought the term “infodemia” to the forefront of public discourse. Infodemia refers to an epidemic of false and misleading information that spreads rapidly in the online space. It is a manifestation of the phenomenon known as “post-truth”, a term that describes a reduction or negation of the role […]

Building a personal resilience through contact with nature in the times of Corona

The research is conducted in collaboration with the Shamir Research Institute and funded by the Ministry of Science. During the time of COVID-19 pandemic, the public in Israel has experienced various stressful events. Stressful life events often lead to psychological stress and impair health.Promoting personal resilience is therefore an essential part of adaptation in such […]

Statistical analysis of Corona data: A Roundtable

The Corona pandemic continues to pose significant challenges to the health, economic and social systems worldwide. Some of these challenges relate to the availability of reliable data and to the various approaches used in order to collect, analyze and present these data. The perspective required to address these issues combines health and epidemiological expertise, access […]

Medical research in Israel a wake up call for the government before the next crisis

An analysis of CBS and OECD data on government investments in medical R&D reveals a gloomy picture: only 0.5% of government R&D investments are in the health care sector; the past five years have seen a 20% decline in hospital research funding compared to other OECD countries, Israel is ranked lower in R&D health investments. […]