for Progress

Energy conservation in Buildings at the Technion Campus

The current research “Energy conservation in buildings at the Technion campus” is part of various activities undertaken lately by Technion with the aim of reducing the impacts on the environment and improving energy conservation within the campus. Technion has also recognized recently the need for providing improved internal conditions in the newly erected buildings, while […]

Preparations by the Energy Sector for Improving Environmental Quality

The seminar on The Deployment of Israel’s Energy Economy for Improving the Quality of the Environment is, to a certain extent, a continuation of a previous seminar two years ago on Alternative Energies in View of the Persian Gulf Crisis. The emphasis then was on utilizing alternative energies in case of a shortage in fossil […]

Electronic and Hybrid Power for Busses. Final Report

The report includes detailed review of technologies for electric and hybrid vehicles, and information about experiments performed with electric and hybrid buses worldwide. Published data about energy storage devices, such as batteries, fuel cells and inertia flywheels, various driving and charging systems, air conditioning problems are summarized and analyzed. Performance characteristics of various electric and […]

Evaluation of a Plan to Establish a Wind Farm in the Mediterranean Sea. Final Research Report

The purpose of the present research is an investigation of the feasibility of building an offshore wind farm in Israel. The first part of the report presents a detailed literature survey. This survey includes: national programs for offshore wind energy exploitation, meteorological aspects of wind resources in offshore sites, engineering aspects related to offshore wind […]

The Current Energy Situation in Israel as a Departure Point for Future Planning

This report presents data on energy consumption in Israel, the principle structure of the energy economy and the activities in this economy in recent years. The object is to focus the problems arising from managing the energy economy here and the need to formulate a long range energy policy, according to agreed objectives, with the […]

Energy Forum 55: Energy in refrigeration and air conditioning systems

Air conditioning

Airconditioningsystemsforuseinbuildingsaredivided into twomaintypes: unitary systems and central systems. To the first type belong window air conditioners, split air conditioners and mini-central ones. These are standard systems that constitute the lion’s share of installations in residential buildings and quite a few also in public, commercial and industrial buildings. Their cooling output usually ranges from 2-15 kW […]

Assessment of Methane Emissions from Natural Gas Supply Chain in Israel

Methane gas, the main component of natural gas, is the second most impactful greenhouse gas on global greenhouse gas emissions from anthropogenic sources, after carbon dioxide, and is currently the focus of efforts (along with other short-lived greenhouse gases) to reduce global warming of the atmosphere. Methane, as a contributor to the greenhouse effect, is […]