for Progress

The Triad Research University Model or a Post 20th Century Research University Model, University Education and Human Resources

In this paper a model for the future research university is proposed, which answers some of the key challenges facing universities. It consists of three independent yet closely knitted entities: a research institute, a university teaching college and a business unit creating a “triad” structure. The possible inevitability, the advantages and disadvantages of the model […]

The Golden Age of Scientific Technological Research University

The current crisis in the classical research university scene, the on-going fusion of science and technology which is driving a new scientific-technological revolution, the changing rationale of research funding, and the need of advanced nations to develop competitive, knowledge-based economies, have set the stage for a potential ‘golden age’ for Scientific Technological Research Universities (S&TRU). […]

Potential for Higher and Continuing Education: Profile of Achievements, Environment and Character of Gifted Individuals Identified in their Twenties

This report describes a research project by the National Institute for Examinations and Evaluation, commissioned by the Samuel Neaman Institute on the subject of follow-up on gifted pupils found through their achievements in the psychometric examinations. The research describes a profile of achievements, environmental background and personality characteristics of the gifted with high learning potential. […]

A Survey of Technion Graduates – Class of 1989

This report contains the responses of Technion students who graduated in 1989. The survey was carried out during January – May 1996, i.e. about 6 years after graduation.1052 questionnaires were sent out, 413 were returned and analyzed. Some of the major findings: There is a high degree of appreciation for the Technion among graduates. A […]

The Logic of Living Things

It was decided by the Neaman institute, which is engaged in policy, science and technology research, to work towards increasing and expanding the knowledge of natural and engineering sciences among youths and adults. One of the ways to achieve this objective is to translate a series of classical books on science and technology. As the […]

Report of the Samuel Neaman Institute Committee on the Advancement of Teaching at Technion

This report examines the problems of the quality of teaching in the technion. It addresses the various aspects of the relations between students and faculty, the first year “shock”, and different means which are essential in order to advance teaching in the Technion. Based on the examination of the above described problems, recommendations on ways […]

Attention and Performance XVII: Cognitive Regulation of Performance: Interaction of Theory and Application, Beit Oren

The central theme for the A&P XVII is Cognitive Regulation of Performance, with special emphasis on the interaction between theory and application. The topics to be covered include top-down regulatory processes and mechanisms of attentional control, strategies of performance, conscious appraisal of the world, pursuit of intentions, and the interplay between controlled and automatic processes […]

Electronics 2000: Developments in Academic Engineering Education in the Field of Electronics

This review of developments in higher education in Israel and the world in the field of electronics and computer engineering, including implications on curricula updating, constitutes one of four stages of the “Electronics 2000” project aimed at creating an updated infrastructure for Israel’s electronic industry. A survey was conducted on the development of higher education […]