A comparative study on the scientific and technological research in Israel and some middle eastern countries, using quantitative indicators, second ed

The study presents a comparative examination of the development process of scientific and technological research that has taken place in the Middle East, especially in the more advanced countries, and in Israel. The data presented are based on two main indices: the number of publications and the average citations per publication. The data indicate that […]
A comparative study on the scientific and technological research in Israel and some middle eastern countries, using quantitative indicators

The study presents a comparative examination of the development process of scientific and technological research that has taken place in the Middle East, especially in the more advanced countries, and in Israel. The data presented are based on two main indices: the number of publications and the average citations per publication. The data indicate that […]
Excellence Evaluations of the Universities in Israel – Approaches, Issues and Achievments

The object of this study is to examine various aspects associated with excellence evaluations of the Universities in Israel. Quantitative, qualitative and combined approaches are presented. Advantages, drawbacks and issues concerned with applications are discussed. Achievements of the universities in Israel, according to various measures, indicators and data bases are presented. A review of international […]
Science , Technology and Innovation Indicators in Israel: An International Comparison (Third edition) English version

Neaman Institute is pleased to present the third edition of the “indices of Science, Technology and Innovation in Israel: An International Comparison.” This report is published in cooperation with the National Council for Research and Development Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics. This publication contains many key figures for Israel regarding science and technology input and […]
The Neaman Document -A study on Israeli Public Diplomacy; A Joint Project of the Samuel Neaman Institute, Technion And the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Israel.

The decision to conduct a research project in order to present recommendations for Israel public diplomacy (PD) policy relies on the premise that even though there is continuous concern with the subject by government agencies and others in the field, there is from time to time a need to update contents and methods, target groups, […]
A survey of active researchers at the Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute at the Technion

The goal of this survey, prepared by the SNI, was to evaluate the outputs and the outcomes of the Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute (RBNI) at the Technion. RBNI was examined over time with the aim of evaluating the results and impact of the research activities within its framework. Several methods were used in the evaluation […]
Liquidity Constraints on the Attainment of Tertiary Education in Israel

This study examines the effect of a family’s economic background on the chances of a twelfth grade high school student to obtain a first (bachelor) degree. The study analyses the marks obtained in the matriculation certificate by twelfth grade students in 1992-97, together with their parents’ demographic and social data taken from the 1995 census, […]
The Possible Role Of Israeli Solar Technologies In The Meadowlands’ Renewable Energy Efforts

The SNI was asked by the NJ Meadowlands Commission (NJMC)- renewable energy task force, the Institute for Meadowlands Studies (IMS) and the Center for Energy, Economic and Environmental Policy to pinpoint Israeli companies, which are capable of participating in solar energy tenders at NJ, Meadowlands. The current report examines Israeli companies in the […]
Two Seas Canal – Is it a real aim or some kind of a preconceived solution to an unspecified target?

This paper deals with the necessity of finding alternative water resources to Israel’s emptying water reservoir. The author, Prof. Dan Zaslavsky, is rejecting in this paper the idea of The “Two Seas Canal” (an idea that was rejected formerly five times for economic inefficiency and for other various reasons) and is suggesting two different alternatives. […]
Evaluation of engineering/scientific research and its impact on industry, economy and society: Literature review
The current literature review is part of a work which was carried out within the framework of the Neaman Institute and was ordered by the Technion management. The review goal was to examine the level of the engineering research at the Technion and at other Israeli universities in comparison to the world using objective tools. […]