Attention and Performance XVII: Cognitive Regulation of Performance: Interaction of Theory and Application, Beit Oren

The central theme for the A&P XVII is Cognitive Regulation of Performance, with special emphasis on the interaction between theory and application. The topics to be covered include top-down regulatory processes and mechanisms of attentional control, strategies of performance, conscious appraisal of the world, pursuit of intentions, and the interplay between controlled and automatic processes […]
A Comparative Analysis of Academic Structure in the Universities and Institutions for Higher Education in Israel

Further Investigation in the Evaluation of Scientific Activity

This publication includes two papers presented at the “Info 92” Conference, the Israeli Information week in the framework of the session on “The Evaluation of Scientific Activity – Methods and Tools” organized by the Samuel Neaman Institute. E. Granit and B.C. Peritz summarize their study on “Scientific Cooperation between. Israel, German and French Scientists in […]
Science Indicators and the Evaluation of Scientific Activity

The evaluation of scientific activity has always been a difficult endeavor because of both its long-range effects and the intrinsic uncertainty of this kind of research. In these times of growing budgetary constraints, such evaluation has become a significant tool in assessing the “track records” of scientific organizations (universities and research institutes) and of funding […]
Evaluation Methodology for Research Productivity of Universities

The objective of this exploratory study was to develop a methodology to estimate research productivity of academic units, which may be used also for disciplines where bibliometric data are not available. For this purpose peer recognition items which may be integrated into a comprehensive number related to research productivity were tested on a limited scale.
An Examination of the Wage System of Technion Professors – Current Problems and Solutions

The salaries of about 90% of the wage earners in Israel are set through collective bargaining. About 90% of these wage earners are represented by one labor union – The General Federation of Workers (Histadrut). Salaries at the Technion, like in all the public sector are set through collective bargaining. The union that represents all […]
The Higher Education System in Israel – Issues, characteristics and unique Aspects

A broad view on the Israeli system of higher education is described. The development of the Israeli system has been influenced by developments in some other countries. Yet, this system is characterized by some unique aspects, including – education of prominence leaders, unprecedented national contribution, and worldwide research excellence – all these with relatively modest […]
Unique Characteristics in the Development of the Technion – Academic Excellence, National Contribution, Managerial Culture

An attempt has been made, to understand how the Technion has succeeded to become a renown technological research University, and at the same time – to play unprecedented role in the development of Israel. Unique Characteristics that have been developed over the years are discussed – the academic culture, the managerial culture, the national contribution […]
Self-efficacy, Interpersonal Skills and STEM Career Choice The Case of the FIRST Project

In view of the acute lack of STEM professionals, there is dire need to encourage more students to elect STEM studies. The robotics program For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST), whose participants are students 5–18 years old, employs project-based learning (PBL) principles to develop interpersonal skills. The FIRST program applies science, technology, […]
Absorption of Senior Israeli and Foreign Researchers in Israeli Universities

This research, carried out at the request of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, relates to Israeli and foreign researchers who were senior faculty members in universities abroad and chose to accept position of Associate or Full Professor in Israeli universities.The study provides a recent mapping of these researchers in Israel including their research […]