The Overall Tax Burden on Income from Labor

We calculate the EFFECTIVE tax rates on labor income, as distinct from the STATUTORY tax rates. In doing so, we appeal to the literature on tax equivalence which suggests that an excise tax (including the VAT) is equivalent to a tax on labor income. We also take into account the employee and employer contributions to […]
Air conditioner survey in Israel- conservation potential and policy measures
This survey, conducted for the ministry of environment, reveals the significant contribution of energy demand, especially in peak hours, for the air conditioners sectors. Since high energy demand during noon hours in summer- time influences the ability of the Electric company to supply the demand, this report suggests several ways to calculate the incentives needed […]
Can Venture Capital Funds Pick Winners? Evidence from Pre-IPO Survival Rates and Post-IPO Performance STE-WP-23

This paper evaluates the ability of venture capital funds to identify and bring to market successful high-tech Israeli companies during the period 1991 to 2000. Using a newly constructed and highly detailed database we find that: (1) The probability of survival until the IPO stage is higher for venture-backed companies. (2) According to several different […]
Immigrants in the Hi-Tech Sector: Comparison to Natives and the Effect of Training STE-WP-22-2004

This paper provides a descriptive analysis of the integration of the immigrants from the CIS in the Israeli labor market and, specifically, in the hi-tech sector. The analysis is based on the national cross sectional Labor Force Survey and on a unique panel data that follows Russian engineers for up to twelve years in Israel. […]
Instruments for Open Space Preservation: What Can Israel learn from other countries?
Conservation of open space is a difficult goal to achieve in a densely inhabited country such as Israel. Despite the efforts of Israel’s statutory planning bodies and the availability “on paper” of a plethora of planning and legal tools, development pressures often win out. More innovative tools, or a repackaging of tools, are therefore necessary. […]
Innovation and the Limits of State’s Power: R&D and Industrial Policy in taiwan in IC Design and Software STE-WP-21-2004

Of the East Asian Newly Industrialized Countries (NIC) Taiwan story is one of the most inspiring. In almost all accounts of Taiwan, the state has been described as the major impetus of economic development and technological upgrading. The Taiwanese government policy goal in the last decade has been to spur more new-products innovation capabilities. This […]
National Environmental Priorities of Israel, Position Paper IV, Vol. 1: Environmental education

Effective environmental education is required at all levels, from kindergartens through universities. Environmental education will assist in developing environmental awareness in our youth, while environmental education in the universities will enrich our professionals, who will, therefore, consider environmental problems to be within their professional activities. The Ministry of the Education, as well as the Ministry […]
National Environmental Priorities of Israel, Position Paper IV, Vol. 2: The Energy Market in Israel

The second volume of the 2004 position paper is dedicated to the energy market in Israel and the importance of establishing a sustainable energy market. Energy production and consumption creates environmental problems such as air pollution, resources depletion, as well as soil and water contamination. Chapter 1 of this volume was written by Prof. (Em.) […]
National Environmental Priorities of Israel, Position Paper IV, Vol. 3: Environmental Management

The third part of the 2004 position paper brings two important issues into focus: The first part suggests a procedure to Environmental Consensus Building, as a means to bridge environmental conflicts. The second part deals with the environmental obligation of regional councils in Israel as the final frontier to protect open spaces and agricultural farmland. […]
National Environmental Priorities of Israel, Position Paper IV – English abstract
This year the position paper consists three separate books, each dealing with a different environmental topic. Part I: Environmental Education in Israel- edited by Dr. Tali Tal. The purpose of this document is to place the centrality of environmental education on the public agenda, address the anomaly that characterizes environmental education in Israel, and promote […]