Project renewal in Israel 1979-1994, Annotated bibilography in Hebrew and English.

Project from the start of actual work in the neighborhoods (1979) to the early nineties. A. Combined physical and social rehabilitation. B. Avoiding the relocation of people from their homes and demolition of old buildings. C. Resource allocation based on neighborhood need. The collection of references in this partly annotated bibliography is intended to serve […]
Monitoring and Air Pollution Control of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

SEMINAR ON MONITORING AND PREVENTION OF AIR POLLUTION BY VOLATILE ORGANINC COMPOUNDS (VOC) The Ministry of Environment is in the final stages of publishing emission standards for air pollutants that will determine the maximal permitted concentration of a pollutant in a funnel thus enabling effective supervision of emissions by industries. The standards refer to three […]
The Scarcity of Electronics Engineers and Computer Sciences Graduates in Companies Belonging to the Electronics Industry Association.

This report summarizes a survey that was conducted in the months January-June 1997 in order to understand the shortage of electronic engineers and computer science graduates in companies incorporated in the Society of Electronic Industries. The survey was prepared by Ing. David Kohn and Ilana Shalev of the Samuel Neaman Institute at the initiative of […]
Electronic and Hybrid Power for Busses. Final Report

The report includes detailed review of technologies for electric and hybrid vehicles, and information about experiments performed with electric and hybrid buses worldwide. Published data about energy storage devices, such as batteries, fuel cells and inertia flywheels, various driving and charging systems, air conditioning problems are summarized and analyzed. Performance characteristics of various electric and […]
Identification and Evaluation of the Relationship Between Average and Variant Travel Times on Urban Roads

The aim of this work is to examine and evaluate some of the factors influencing variations in travel time. Factors to be examined in the work’s framework are: traffic volume, control, environment and geometry of the road. The research is meant to be the pilot stage of a comprehensive survey for calibrating a model that […]
An Examination of the Economic Implications for Israel of Space Exploration. Executive Summary

This work is submitted in the framework of a tender of the Israel Space Agency for the utilization of space. In the request for a price quote the aim was defined as follows: “Israel and the other industrialized countries in the world are involved in a lot of space related research activity. For a long […]
Law enforcement in the 21st century :Law, Government&Politics, Science&Technology

This two volume publication contains the research reports and summaries of seminars held in the framework of the perennial project of predicting the state of law enforcement system in the 21st century and to prepare for it. The project was initiated by the Office of the Chief Scientist in the Ministry of Public Security (former […]
Law enforcement in the 21st century: Society, Economy, Minorities, Internal Security

This two volume publication contains the research reports and summaries of seminars held in the framework of the perennial project of predicting the state of law enforcement system in the 21st century and to prepare for it. The project was initiated by the Office of the Chief Scientist in the Ministry of Public Security (former […]
Annual Report 1996-1997 Samuel Neaman Institute

The Annual report for 1996-1997 summarizes the Samuel Neaman Institute’s activities for this year in a wide range of subjects
Economic Incentives in Solid Urban Waste Policy. Final Report

Disposal of municipal solid waste entails severe environmental burdens especially on small, densely populated regions and countries. Israel is grappling with the task of designing an efficient (and politically acceptable!) solid-waste policy, taking into consideration externalities associated with alternative disposal options and the pervasive NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) syndrome.This paper analyzes alternative waste […]