for Progress

Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Smart Robotics- First report summary

Daphne Getz, Oshrat Katz Shacham, Rinat Klein, Roey Tzezana, Shlomo Rosenberg, Avida Shoham, Ella Barzani, Eran Leck, Sima Tziperfal
Report /
August 2018




Getz, D., Shacham, O. K., Klein, R. ., Tzezana, R., Rosenberg, S., Shoham, A., Barzani, E., Leck, E., & Tziperfal, S. (2018). Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Smart Robotics- First report summary. Samuel Neaman Institute.

The aim of the project is to present an up-to-date and complete picture of the current activities in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Smart Robotics in Israel, and to examine the possibilities of promoting these fields.

Extensive work was carried out to define areas of research, survey and map activities in Israel, and identify strengths and weaknesses of Israel in these fields.

The literature survey in the appendix to the report, reviews, among other, world strategic programs in the areas of artificial intelligence, data science and intelligent robotics. A part of the literature survey is devoted to human capital and examines the skills needed and deficiencies expected in various countries.

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