for Progress

Ideas from Nature

Scientists are drawing inspiration from the natural world, and using what they learn to help solve problems for humans

Orthodox Employment – Information Booklet

כריכת הדוח תעסוקת חרדים – חוברת מידע

This information booklet was written on the basis of knowledge and experience accumulated at the Samuel Neaman Institute during the running of the “Ultra-Orthodox Integration Project”. The booklet is designed for managers and owners of companies and organizations, and human resource managers in these organizations – especially secular ones. It should provide them with the […]

Energy Forum 26: Oil Shale Production in Israel

One of the local energy sources of the State of Israel is shale oil – a source of fossil fuel that appears in the form of marlstone or chalk rocks rich in organic matter, mostly Krogn. One can use shale oil in direct combustion and produce heat out of it, and even the possibility to […]