for Progress

Managing New Product Development and Innovation A Microeconomics Toolbox

Comprising over a decade of research the fifteen chapters in this book offer a selection of practical microeconomic tools for managing new product development and innovation. An overall theme unites these tools feature-based innovation. By quantifying product features and evaluating the costs and market value of improving each , a simple yet powerful conceptual framework […]

Promoting Gifted Mathematicians

The level of mathematics in high school education is unsatisfactory, as can be seen in recent years in international surveys. The phenomenon is especially perturbing in view of the importance of mathematical education as a key for success in science and technology and the high-tech industries based on them. Nevertheless, successful activities are being introduced […]

National Environmental Priorities of Israel (English Abstract 2000)

During 1998, more than 100 experts in diverse environmental fields, were involved in discussions leading to the establishment of a list of priorities and a course of action for addressing environmental issues in Israel. Background papers were prepared by experts in each given field and reviewed by additional experts to include their response and comments. […]