for Progress

Our Collective Future – Ecology and Tomorrow’s World

A new horizon of the history of mankind opened at the end of the 20th century. Facing the new picture of the world, arising out of the growth of the technological culture, everything has to be thought about from now on, from assumptions of values, through principles of deed, to details of execution. The enormous, […]

Computing and Computer Applications in Arab Countries, Report No. 6, Project No. 161

The computing and computer applications in Arab countries, especially in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan, have taken a fast development since the 1970s. It is significant in four major fields: arabization of computer software, utilization of computing systems, science and computer engineering education, and a growing number of publications. The fast development is to be […]

Business Plan – The College for Entrepreneurship and Export in Tefen

This document provides a detailed description of plans for establishing and operating an entrepreneurship and export college in Tefen. Under discussion is a system for training and educating towards entrepreneurship. Its core will be a training process based on combining project work with teaching know-how in areas relevant to the functioning of the entrepreneur. We […]

The European Common Market in 1992: Positions and Perspectives on the Plastics and Polymer Industry

Due to expected implications considering the unifying of the European market, it was decided to survey attitudes and perceptions among companies in the plastics and polymers industry, that engaged exporting. Our goal was to examine the industry’s awareness of this development, it’s preparation, and learn about the steps needed to accelerate this deployment by the government, industry and […]

Promoting Excellence in Science Education

Discussion on cultivating excellence of science education conducted in the framework of the Samuel Neaman Institute. The aims of the discussion is to evaluate what is being done in Israel in cultivating excellence and the role, in this area, of the education system, the universities, the army and industry. We will deal with the following […]