February 2013
A Computational Analysis of R&D Support Programs
Dan Peled, Dagoberto Garza, Yahel Giat, Steve Hackman
July 2011
Evolutionary Interpretation of VC Policy in Israel, Germany, UK and Scotland (STE-WP-45)
Alessandro Rosiello, Morris Teubal, Gil Avnimelech
June 2009
VC Policy: Moving from a Financial Perspective towards a Systemic and Evolutionary Framework (STE-WP-42)
Gil Avnimelech, Alessandro Rosiello, Morris Teubal
February 2008
Together but Apart: ICT and Productivity Growth in Israel (STE-WP-41)
Saul Lach, מנואל טרכטנברג, Gil Shiff
January 2007
Harnessing Success: Determinants of University Technology Licensing Performance STE-WP-35
Sharon Belenzon