Energy Forum 15: Energy Efficiency in Local Authorities in Israel

Cite As:
Ayalon Ofira, Nachmany Michal, Goldrath Tal. Energy Forum 15: Energy Efficiency in Local Authorities in Israel Haifa Israel: Samuel Neaman Institute, 2009.

Local authorities consume energy for street lighting, air-conditioning and lighting of public buildings, fuels for vehicle fleets, fuels for heavy mechanical equipment etc. The annual energy consumption of local authorities in Israel is estimated at 2-3 billion kwh.

Increasing energetic efficiency in local authorities creates several important benefits – it allows great budget savings, reduces pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, and sets a personal example for leading environmental awareness and energy efficiency steps for the community and the entire public.

An interview with Prof. Ofira Ayalon at Reshet B:

The discussion held in the framework of the 15th Energy Forum raised the various issues regarding opportunities and barriers for promoting energy efficiency in the local authorities.

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