The Acceleration of Arab Society's Involvement in the Israeli Economy and Business Sector

The national importance and the urgency of accelerating the Arab citizens' integration into Israel's economy is increasing in Israel. A variety of state, business and voluntary organizations are dealing with this subject. For this purpose, we intend to hold a series of discussions with the major organizations dealing with the economic/business aspect of the subject, since this area is of great importance, the controversy about it is relatively limited, and it allows realizable objectives to be set, whose contributions can be evaluated and measured.
This is a broad subject that has many facets. In a reality in which a great number of steps are taking place at the same time, it is important to develop a comprehensive and full picture of the activities of the different organizations, the manner in which they work and communicate with each other, and their interface points. Developing such a picture and its discussion will increase the effectiveness of dealing with this subject by improving the coordination between the participants, advancing the ability to develop joint actions and identifying new fields of activity.
Thus, the need to hold brainstorming and thinking meetings on this subject was identified. About thirty people are regularly invited to the discussions, the representatives of the leading organizations in their field. The program was built in a way that enables professional discussion, sharing of views between the participants, discussion and suggesting recommendations for further actions.
It is hoped that at the end of the process we will achieve a detailed and defined program to accelerate the integration of the Arab sector into the Israeli economy.


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