Proceedings of the International Workshop on The Interaction between Medicine and Engineering
Engineering and medicine are grass-routes disciplines. Both grow by responding to practical needs and thrive on the progress of science and technology. Most noticeable is the huge effect that modern technology, associated with new macro and micro imaging techniques and molecular scale diagnostic technologies, had on expanding the frontiers of medical science, and cardiology in […]
Electronics 2000: Developments in Academic Engineering Education in the Field of Electronics
This review of developments in higher education in Israel and the world in the field of electronics and computer engineering, including implications on curricula updating, constitutes one of four stages of the “Electronics 2000” project aimed at creating an updated infrastructure for Israel’s electronic industry. A survey was conducted on the development of higher education […]
Distributed Algorithms, WDAG ’92, Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, No. 647
WDAG is intended to provide a forum for researchers and other parties interested in distributed algorithms and their applications. The aim is to present recent research results, explore directions for future research, and identify common fundamental techniques that serve as building blocks in many distributed algorithms. Papers were solicited describing original results in all areas […]
Annual Report 1991-1992 Samuel Neaman Institute
The Annual report for 1991-1992 summarizes the Samuel Neaman Institute’s activities for this year in a wide range of subjects
Electronics 2000: (Stage 3) Identifying Areas and Topics of Interest
The project was initiated by the Union of Electronic Industries in Israel and the Samuel Neaman Institute at the Technion. The aim of the project was to identify future projects for joint development by Israel’s electronic industries, which will maintain Israel’s competitive ability in relation to its competitors across the sea. A field survey was […]
Measurement of Performance parameters for the Israeli Industry
Encouraging industrial investments is of special interest to Israel. For investments to be successful in the long run they require a sound return to the investors. In deciding on new investment the predicted economic return rate generated by the investment is often used as a measurement for its attractiveness. However there is a lack of […]