August 2023
Past initiatives to strengthen the Israeli society: Lessons from the Past
Reuven Gal, Eitan Adres, Hagit Glickman, Nohad 'Ali
July 2022
Community and Support Centers for Former Haredim – founded by Yotzim Le’Shinuy (‘Out-for-Change’) Association.
Ayala Keisar-Shugerman, Amir Ram, Lenna Kenett, Sima Tziperfal, Ayelet Raveh, Reuven Gal
February 2021
Fixing military conscription by adding new mistakes? Critical comments on “Equal for All” guideline.
Asaf Malhi, Stuart Cohen, Reuven Gal
August 2020
Preparedness of Ultra-Orthodox Population in Israel toward Earthquakes and Emergency Situations
Reuven Gal, Carmit Rapoport, Hezki Farkash
April 2017
Excellence in Mathematics in the Ultra-Orthodox Community
Reuven Gal, Yehuda Morgenstern, Yael Elimelech
June 2015
Between (MACHA”R) Tomorrow and Today: Academic System for Haredim at a Cross-Road
Ilia Zatcovetsky, Reuven Gal