Higher Education Forum: Session No.33: The Future of the Council for Higher Education
June 14, 2016
On the subject: “The Future of the Council for Higher Education “
First Session – The Independence of the Council for Higher Education
Moderator: Prof. Hanoch Gutfreund, Chairman “Bashaar”, The Former President of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Prof. Peretz Lavie, President of the Technion, Chairman of VERA – Association of the Heads of Universities
Prof. Mordechai Kremnitzer, Vice President for Research, The Israel Institute for Democracy
Prof. Moshe Maor, The Wolfson Family Chair of Public Administration, Department of Political Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Second Session – Politics and Academy
Moderator: Prof. Zehev Tadmor, Chairman of the Samuel Neaman Institute, Former President of The Technion
Ayala Procaccia , former Justice of the Supreme Court of Israel
Prof. Ami Volansky, Tel Aviv University, Former Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Education
Prof. Nehemia Friedland, Former President of Tel Aviv-Yaffo Academic College
Prof. Eilon Vaadia, Director of the Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem