The Challenge of Planning the State of Israel towards its Second Jubilee.
It has been ten years since the "Israel 2020" plan, was published. "Israel 2020" is an integrated economic, social and environmental plan for the development of Israel in the 21st century. It is the largest, most comprehensive planning project ever carried out in Israel. Over 250 professionals and members of the academic community and 13 ministries have collaborated for over six years and invested about one hundred years of work hours.
The "Israel 2020" plan was profoundly affected by current planning practices. All of "Israel 2020"'s principles have been implemented in the National Outline Plan for Building, Development and Preservation, NOP no.35, that was approved by the Israeli National High Committee for Planning and Building and by the Israeli Government. As such, the principles of "Israel 2020" and its policy statements have been translated into a statutory plan, obligatory for the different planning levels in Israel.
The continuation of the "Israel 2020" project, for the second Jubilee of Israel, with an extended horizon to the year 2050, is being carried out at the S. Neaman Institute, by the Technion. The planning efforts are focused toward advancing the "Israel 2020 - Palestine 2015" coordination of the Palestinian and Israeli long-term plans. The project won the support of the German Foreign Ministry and the Academy of the Arts, "Akademie der Küente", Berlin; which is intended to host the meetings and to recruit European resources toward the project's completion. The project will be overseen by the S. Neaman Institute, the Palestinian Ministry of Planning and Cooperation (MOPIC), and with the guidance of the ECF, Economic Cooperation Foundation.
The "Israel 2020" team is taking part in the Strategic Development of National Infrastructure in Israel for the Year 2050 project, advanced long term planning of infrastructure and national planning as a generator for economic growth, spatial equality and environmental qualities, headed by Prof. Yehuda Hayuth, at the S. Neaman Institute.
Israel 2020 - Master Plane For Israel In The 21st Century