Establishment of R&D Anti-Terror Warfare Mechanism for Homeland Security Protection from Terrorism

Cite As:
Barri Orna, Nadav Liron, Kuziatin Ilan, Yachin Shmulik, Trajtenberg Manuel, Arditi Danny, Peker Hemi, Inbar Dan. Establishment of R&D Anti-Terror Warfare Mechanism for Homeland Security Protection from Terrorism Haifa Israel: Samuel Neaman Institute, 2007.
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The number of dangers on the Israel Home Front is extremely high. We can never avert every possible terror threat, yet, while different types of threats disappear, new threats are popping up and terrorists keep changing their methods and systems relentlessly in order to achieve their goals. Therefore, the State of Israel must have a genuine task related mechanism with high level abilities and solid resources that will enable the country to cope with current and future terror.

This document is drawing a process which explains how Science and Technology can contribute to Israel's war on terrorism. It is a proposal which identifies key activities for reducing current and future risks through a long term R&D plan. However, it is important to mention that any R&D process is just one "Power Multiplier" among many other components of the war on terrorism.


The Samuel Neaman Institute and the TWH (Terrorism Warfare Headquarters) have recently completed an administrative work on this issue. The purpose of this document is to introduce a theoretical process, the implementation of which might considerably help the national preparedness to fight terrorism.

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