סקר בוגרי טכניון – מסיימי שנת 1989

דו”ח זה כולל את תשובות שהתקבלו מבוגרי הטכניון, מסיימי תאור ראשון בשנת 1989, שש שנים לאחר סיום לימודיהם. הסקר נערך בתקופה ינואר 1996 – מאי 1996. נשלחו 1052 שאלונים והתקבלו ונותחו 413 תשובות. הממצאים העיקריים: • אחוז גבוה של בוגרים ממשיכים בלימודיהם לתואר שני בעיקר במקצועות ניהול. • קיימת הערכה רבה כלפי הטכניון. • כרבע […]
The Middle East Oil Decade and Beyond

This book highlights three fundamental aspects of the oil decade. First is the influence the production, export and revenues of oil had on domestic, regional and international relations, in particular between foreign producer companies and local governments (chapter 1); between producer governments and consumer governments (chapters 2 and 3); and between Arab producer states and […]
Report on the Israeli Information Technology (IT) Market

The IT market in Israel includes all the import of computer hardware and software, local software development, software projects and auxiliary services of the computer industry. In 1995 the Israeli IT market was evaluated at US$ 2 billion, 0.5% of the world market. Hardware import amounts to US$ 506.3 million and software imports, to US$ […]
Attention and Performance XVII: Cognitive Regulation of Performance: Interaction of Theory and Application, Beit Oren

The central theme for the A&P XVII is Cognitive Regulation of Performance, with special emphasis on the interaction between theory and application. The topics to be covered include top-down regulatory processes and mechanisms of attentional control, strategies of performance, conscious appraisal of the world, pursuit of intentions, and the interplay between controlled and automatic processes […]
הדו”ח השנתי של מוסד שמואל נאמן 1995-1996

דו”ח שנתי לשנים 1995-1996 המסכם את פעילות מוסד שמואל נאמן לתקופה זו במגוון רחב של נושאים
Italian-Israeli Binational Conference on Natural Gas

In November 1995 an agreement for cooperation between the Technion and the Politechnico di Milano was signed. In addition to agreeing to encourage student and faculty exchanges and joint research, we also agreed to attempt to encourage cooperation between Italian and Israeli industry. The first fruit of this effort was the Binational Conference on Natural […]