
Adopting ICT in agriculture, education and development of the rural space

Adopting ICT in agriculture, education and development of the rural space

This study deals with the cultivation and optimization of innovation in agriculture, using ICT as a means to design agricultural education for a variety of ages and the development of the rural sector. These are of strategic importance to Israel. The recommendations and conclusions derived from the study were incorporated in the report by the Samuel Neaman Institute whose objective was to empower classic industries. The report was presented in 2012 to the Ministry of Agriculture and regional rural organizations.
Insects in the Service of Man

Insects in the Service of Man

Insects are of fundamental importance to the ecosystem, and their existence is critical for human survival. Insects play a variety of roles in the service of man, while the research of the full potential inherent in them is still in various stages.
מיפוי המחקר והפיתוח החקלאי בישראל

Mapping Agriculture R&D in Israel

The Science and Innovation Department of the British Council (through the British Embassy in Israel) has partnered with the Samuel Neaman Institute (SNI) in a joint project, the objective of which is to identify the relevant subjects in the area of Agricultural Science that have high synergy and high potential for cooperation between the United Kingdom and Israeli scientists.
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