Student Loans for Israel: Learning from International Practice
The proposals of the Shochat Committee on higher education that related to first degree tuition fees and student loans, if implemented, will have far-reaching effects on the higher education system in Israel. Yet, conspicuously lacking in the report is any discussion of the merits of these loans scheme arrangements, in relation to possible alternatives. A […]
The Ramifications of Technology Transfer Based on Intellectual Property Licensing
The commercialization of scientific inventions by academic institutions was the subject of reform initiatives in recent years. Regulatory initiatives proposed to encourage public research institutions (sometimes even to impose a legal duty), to exploit the commercial potential of their inventions via intellectual property. Recent studies on the impact of the Bayh-Dole Act on scientific research […]
Liquidity Constraints on the Attainment of Tertiary Education in Israel
This study examines the effect of a family’s economic background on the chances of a twelfth grade high school student to obtain a first (bachelor) degree. The study analyses the marks obtained in the matriculation certificate by twelfth grade students in 1992-97, together with their parents’ demographic and social data taken from the 1995 census, […]
The quality of Israeli academic institutions: what the wages of graduates tell about it?
Higher education in Israel expanded rapidly in the last ten years with the opening of academic colleges. This study examines the return on education, in terms of salaries, of first degree graduates from colleges compared with that of university graduates, controlling for cognitive abilities and socioeconomic characteristics. The use of Propensity Score Matching shows that […]
Equity and Efficiency Effects of Different Funding Arrangements for Higher Education: A Calibrated Analysis Applied to Israel
We construct a macro-model of an economy with skilled and unskilled labor, and a centralized system of higher education, calibrate it to the parameters of Israel’s economy and university system, and then use it to simulate different modes of financing higher education so as to gauge their effect on output, distribution and mobility. We find […]
Tertiary Education in Israel A New Paradigm for Policy Making
The study examines the various aspects of the existing policy on higher education and proposes a paradigm shift in order to promote academic research improve standards of instruction as well as accessibility to higher education, . The recommendations include fostering a policy of credit transfer between different types of post-secondary institutes and different programs while […]