for Progress

Mapping of National Research Infrastructures in Israel: updated mapping of Israel research infrastructures and international research infrastructures, which are used by Israeli researchers

The following is a summary of additional research conducted by the Samuel Neaman Institute following research conducted in 2010 “Mapping of Research Infrastructures in Israel” The purpose of the latter was to compile a database which would constitute the basis for a road map setting out the establishment of National Research Infrastructures in Israel.   […]

From Research infrastructures mapping stage until research infrastructure roadmap – Review the experience of selected countries

Many countries develop their own roadmap for research infrastructures intention to allocate limited resources for research infrastructures in a coordinated manner at the national level while taking into account developments at the international level. There are many successful road maps available for analysis and review that present a range of options in terms of rationale, […]

Mapping of National Research Infrastructures in Israel

The Neaman Institute won a tender of the Israel National Council for Research and Development – the National Committee for Research Infrastructures (VATAM) – through the Science and Technology Ministry – to conduct a study with respect to the mapping of national research infrastructures. The purpose of the research is the mapping of the existing national […]