Fuel with falafel frying oil or stream processed waste to the engine – the black liquid cheap substitutes
The Contribution of Science to Civilian Industry in Israel
The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities initiated a series of seminars on the contributions of science to the State of Israel on its 50th anniversary. In this framework Technion President Professor Zehev Tadmor commissioned this survey which is dedicated to the contributions of science to Industry, and which serves to complement a previous survey […]
The Aeronautic Industry in Israel – Present and Future
Defense industries and especially aeronautical industries all over the world are going through a period of changes and reduced activity. These changes stem from international factors such as lessening of hostility between political blocks, as well as a result of changes in social emphases in central governments in the U.S.A. and Europe. These changes did […]
An Examination of the Economic Implications for Israel of Space Exploration. Executive Summary
This work is submitted in the framework of a tender of the Israel Space Agency for the utilization of space. In the request for a price quote the aim was defined as follows: “Israel and the other industrialized countries in the world are involved in a lot of space related research activity. For a long […]
The Chemical Industry 2000, Phase B
Partly included in “The Chemical Industry 2000, Potential for Future Growth” 1995
Italian-Israeli Binational Conference on Natural Gas
In November 1995 an agreement for cooperation between the Technion and the Politechnico di Milano was signed. In addition to agreeing to encourage student and faculty exchanges and joint research, we also agreed to attempt to encourage cooperation between Italian and Israeli industry. The first fruit of this effort was the Binational Conference on Natural […]
The Plastics Industry in Israel – Current Economic Status and Future Alternate Economic Outlook
This study is part of an investigation carried out by the Samuel Neaman Institute on the future Alternatives of the Plastics and Polymers industries in Israel. A previous study “The Polymer Industry in Israel and the World” was prepared by H.D. Frenkel, and was published by the Samuel Neaman Institute in November 1990. The objective […]
Applications and Development Trends in Plastics for Packaging, Agriculture and Construction
Israel’s future, security and prosperity depend on economic independence. Israel’s industry, especially the export industry, must be the central and decisive driving force toward economic independence. Industry can show some impressive achievements, but more significant growth is needed to reach economic independence. The Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology began a […]
The Electronics Industry in the World and in Israel – Economic Directions and Future Trends
The present report was prepared as a first step of the Samuel Neaman Institute’s preparations for the “Electronics 2000” program. The report presents a timetable for those preparations as well as a review of facts about the situation and the development of the electronic industries in the world and Israel. A review of subjects dealing […]
Agroplastics – A Market Analysis
Israel’s future, security and prosperity depend on economic independence. Israel’s industry, especially the export industry, must be the central and decisive driving force toward economic independence. Industry can show some impressive achievements, but more significant growth is needed to reach economic independence. The Samuel Neaman Institute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology began a […]