Human Resources for Science and Technology in Israel - Selected Topics (Part A)

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Getz Daphne, Buchnik Tsipy, Zalmanovich Bella. Human Resources for Science and Technology in Israel - Selected Topics (Part A) Haifa Israel: Samuel Neaman Institute, 2008.
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The economic strength of any modern country is based on its ability to translate scientific knowledge and technological innovation to new products and services. This is especially relevant in the case of Israel which lacks natural resources. The basis for creating a scientific and technological knowledge base lies in the cultivation of human capital.
The goal of this project, which is operating under the auspices of the S. Neaman Institute and the National Council for Civil Research & Development (MOLMOP) is to present data on the science and technology labor force in Israel.
During 2007, a first report was submitted, including a data base which describes the supply and demand for a science and technology labor force in Israel. In addition the report also included a literature survey on the supply & demand for science & technology labor force in the OECD countries.


During 2008, we prepared a second report where we widened the scope on specific issues and questions that were raised in our previous report. The first part of the second report includes the following chapters:


- Forecast of the demand for human resources according to the Israeli industry needs. HRST demands are presented in the water and chemical industries and in electrical engineering.
- The brain drain phenomenon in China, India, Russia and Israel;
- Training of population without tertiary education for the science & technology labor market;

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