Findings of a Study for Assessing the Contributions of the Program frr Advancing Quality and Excellence in Indusries and NGOs in the North of Israel

Cite As:
Ben Tolila David, Zonnenshain Avigdor, Scher Chava, Rodogovsky Peleg. Findings of a Study for Assessing the Contributions of the Program frr Advancing Quality and Excellence in Indusries and NGOs in the North of Israel Haifa Israel: Samuel Neaman Institute, 2020.

This project is about a survey on the contributions of the program for quality and excellence in the North of Israel to the participating companies and NGOs. In the program participated about 300 organizations through the program since 2006. 

A survey on the contributions to the organizations was done through survey and interviews of the managers of the companies and NGOs , of the mentors, of the assessors and the stakeholders. Generally, the main contributions were in the quality system of the companies, and less in the business and innovation aspects.  

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