Relations between Central and Local Government

Relations between Central and Local Government
Home:How new technologies can help us shape homecoming policies

Home:How new technologies can help us shape homecoming policies

These days, tens of thousands of people in Israel officially or unofficially evacuated their homes. The evacuation raises many challenges associated with the disconnection of people and communities from their homes.
National resilience

National resilience

The way the Covid pandemic has been addressed in Israel has raised significant issues regarding the decision-making process at the national, community and personal level. This project aims at addressing such challenges at the conceptual level. We propose a three tier approach addressing the national, community and personal level. 
Dialogue, Mediation and Conflict Resolution Between Industry and Community

Dialogue, Mediation and Conflict Resolution Between Industry and Community

In the past, industry has not always adequately addressed environmental issues, nor have the authorities developed laws and bylaws suitable to tackle these problems. Yet over the last decade, governmental and municipal authorities are taking a hard line on environmental issues, and public awareness of environmental risks is increasing.
עירוניות וצבא – היילכו השניים יחדיו

It Takes Two to Tango? Spatial and Social Implications of Joint Civil-Military Development

The study examined the impact of the IDF bases' relocation to the Negev on strengthening the urban regions in the Be'er Sheva metropolitan area. It was hypothesized that the relocation of military installations would become a major mechanism for strengthening the towns located in the Be'er Sheva metropolitan area, strengthening the Negev's urban sector and thus increasing social integration. The study examined this hypothesis, both qualitatively and quantitatively, based on a broad spectrum of collected data.
יחסי שלטון מרכזי ומקומי
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