Abraham Rotem

Developing a Northern Biotechnologies Cluster in Israel - BioNorth

Developing a Northern Biotechnologies Cluster in Israel - BioNorth

The S. Neaman Institute is leading an initiative to establish a ‘Northern Biotechnologies Cluster in Israel’ incorporating all companies, incubators, start-ups and academy researchers in the north of Israel. The rationale for this initiative is that biotechnology has become the fastest growing industrial sector in Israel and worldwide, and is reshaping science, especially life science, medicine, food and agriculture.
BioNorth seminar about Synthetic Biology

BioNorth seminar about Synthetic Biology

The seminar will address various areas of basic research related to the structure and features of synthetic biology.
BioNorth Seminar about Electricity & Hydrogen Production by Biological Process

BioNorth Seminar about Electricity & Hydrogen Production by Biological Process

The seminar will address various areas of basic research related to electricity and hydrogen production through biological processes like photosynthesis.
BioNorth seminar on innovations in medical ultrasound in Israel

BioNorth seminar on innovations in medical ultrasound in Israel

BioNorth initiative works in recent years under the guidance of a Steering Committee which is composed of representatives from organizations that fund the activity: the Haifa Economic Society, Technion, Rambam Medical Center, Rappaport Institute and Neaman Institute.
BioNorth seminar on Neuro-Technology and Neural Interfaces

BioNorth seminar on Neuro-Technology and Neural Interfaces

The seminar will address various areas, and innovations related to the development of advanced medical devices for neural interfaces.
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